Elmbridge Borough Council


Case Study: Elmbridge Borough Council Arboricultural Safety Works

For over five years, our company has proudly served Elmbridge Borough Council, delivering comprehensive arboricultural safety works across the county. This long-standing partnership underscores our commitment to maintaining the safety and aesthetic appeal of Elmbridge's green spaces, which are nestled in some of the county's most densely populated areas.


The primary challenge we face are conducting our operations in highly populated areas where public safety and satisfaction are paramount. The necessity for continuous public engagement became evident from the outset, requiring meticulous planning and communication strategies to minimise disruption to the community's daily life.

Strategies for Engagement and Communication

Understanding the importance of community support and cooperation, we implemented a multi-faceted approach to public engagement:

  • Direct Communication: We initiated letter drops to residents living near upcoming work sites, providing them with advance notice and details about the nature and timing of the works.
  • Local Business Outreach: Recognising the potential impact on local commerce, we made concerted efforts to engage with business owners personally, ensuring they were informed and prepared for any temporary inconveniences.
  • Social Media Utilisation: To cast a wider net of awareness, we leveraged community Facebook groups. This platform proved invaluable for announcing upcoming projects and facilitating real-time updates, significantly enhancing our reach and engagement.
  • Community Benefit Initiatives: A key component of our strategy was to ensure the local community directly benefited from our work. We advertised available woodchip and timber to schools, allotments, and community groups, transforming potential waste into valuable resources for local projects and activities.

Adherence to Standards

All arboricultural safety works were meticulously planned and executed in strict adherence to BS3998: Recommendations for Tree Work Standards. This commitment to excellence and safety ensured that every project was completed to the highest possible standards, further reinforcing our reputation as a leader in the field.


The outcomes of our comprehensive approach to arboricultural safety works for Elmbridge Borough Council have been overwhelmingly positive. By maintaining open lines of communication with the community and ensuring our operations were both safe and beneficial to the local environment, we have fostered a sense of trust and cooperation that has been crucial to our success.

Through our dedication to high standards, community engagement, and environmental stewardship, we have not only enhanced the safety and beauty of Elmbridge's green spaces but also enriched the lives of its residents. Our ongoing partnership with Elmbridge Borough Council stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence and community service in the field of arboriculture.

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